Washi Tape Crafts

I Love Washi Tape! Curated by The Friday Rejoicer

  1. Decorate your wall with washi tape as photo frame.
  2. Previously did a ‘I Love Series’ on feather and a DIY dreamweaver tutorial with a doodle feather, now introducing washi feather diy by Ella.
  3. Not entirely a washi tape craft, this is a rubber stamp. A reuseable ‘washi tape’.
  4. This is absolutely cute! Make me think of post-it note craft.
  5. Make washi art a centrepiece of your living room.
  6. Use washi for gift wrapping. Get some inspirations from here.
  7. A lot of work here, but this is absolutely cool for making dividing each section of the notebook.
  8. Simple birthday card DIY.
  9. Remind me of wire winder, this washi tape holder will be just a good gift to send to your crafty friend.

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