How web users see Southeast Asia

I got inspired after seeing this post, “How Different Countries See Each Other, According to Google” via Pradodesign Blog. I thought of doing a Southeast Asia version but without the series of locality based suggestions.

animated gif of google search auto complete and suggestion for why is
Google’s auto completion for Southeast Asia countries (animated).

According to Google

How autocomplete works and Where the predictions come from

As you type, autocomplete predicts and displays queries to choose from. The search queries that you see as part of autocomplete are a reflection of the search activity of all web users and the content of web pages indexed by Google.

So in summary, web users think of Southeast asia countries mainly as poor and developing countries. Repeated entries in a single search like “poor” and “so poor”.

Interesting entries I found are “Why is Malaysia’s flag similar to the US?”, “Why is Brunei internet so slow?” and “Why is Philippines spelled with ph?”. These are some of the most popular search entries about each countries. Weird!

google search auto complete and suggestion for why is
Compiled of Google’s auto completion for Southeast Asia countries.

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